Ocean View Games
Ocean View Games Text
Vocab Builder Background

Vocab Builder

Vocab Builder

Vocab Builder is a venture by The Language Conservatory to prevent endangered languages from becoming extinct. The client already had an extensive database of research and vocabulary available and wished to see this wealth of information made available to a wider audience through the compelling medium of gameplay. Working closely with the client, we designed and developed nine individual mini-games wrapped in one complete package which served to educate and entertain players whilst also reinforcing the specific languages desired by The Language Conservatory. The client was extremely happy with the final product at it has provided them with much success, allowing them roll out support for new languages. Please look at The Language Conservatory to see their extraordinary work in making sure languages don't go extinct.

Here is a list of some of the work we have done:

  • Replacing an old and outdated app with a new commercially appealing product
  • Designing and developing all new games for the existing app, integrating sourced graphics from external sources


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Vocab Builder Image 1
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Vocab Builder Image 3

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