Word Fun World
Word Fun World is a game designed for mobile devices with the aim of teaching young children English as a primary language. The game was designed to be used by both eager young learners taking initiative with their language learning as well as a learning aid which would be used alongside traditional teaching. World Fun World was commissioned by Cambridge University Press. We worked closely with Educational and Technical specialists at the institution to ensure that the final product would be and appropriate and effective learning tool for the target audience whilst also adhering to the exceptionally high standards already set by other Cambridge University Press products. Our role was to work with the client to design and develop various mini-games which would be appropriate for the target audience whilst also achieving the educational aims for the project. We worked in collaboration with a number of artists from initial design all the way through full development. Utilising Unity for rapid prototyping and deployment to multiple platforms, we were able to realise the clients vision for the game in just a few short months. The game went on to be a great success for Cambridge Unity Press, who soon returned to the company requesting further updates and features to improve upon the game even further.
The Word Fun World project is now complete and is available for download on both the App Store and the Play Store at the links below.

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